Learn the Basics of Adobe Illustrator

Illustrator: Quickstart



Course Overview

In this course you will learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator by creating logos, business cards, letterhead and will practice drawing with vector tools. The easy way to learn Illustrator is by starting to use it!

Applying Font

Varying Formats


Global Colors


Vector Outlining




2 Hours 31 Minutes






The Basics of Illustrator

Vectors, workspace and tools defined


Creating Type-Based Logos 1

Managing fonts, creating documents and creating text

Creating Type-Based Logos 2

Advanced text editing, using color, applying effects and logo design basics

Business Cards

Creating Business Cards 1

Making shapes, arranging type & objects and how to layout text & graphics in Illustrator

Creating Business Cards 2

Rotating & scaling shapes and making a horizontal business card

Creating Business Cards 3

Designing a square business card and working with strokes

Creating Business Cards 4

Grouping objects, designing with effects & gradients and working with different units of measure

Creating Business Cards 5

Using opacity with gradients, using the eyedropper tool with text and economical design concepts

Creating Business Cards 6

Editing & managing artboards, advanced shape editing and design concepts


Creating Stationery 1

How clipping masks work, multiple artboards & documents, layer basics, importing & using images and opacity control

Creating Stationery 2

Saving files, artboard tips & tricks, controlling copy/pasting locations and controling colors professionally

Creating Stationery 3

Organizing with layers, using coordinates to positon objects and working with global colors

Creating Stationery 4

Advanced layer management, getting advanced with clipping masks and more design concepts

Creating Stationery 5

Moving objects from layer to layer, navigating through layers and creating our final design


Shortcuts 1

Shortcuts: the basics, tips & tricks and creating your own shortcuts keys

Shortcuts 2

Shortcuts for tools, expanding on tools, tips & tricks and how to find the shortcuts for tools

Shortcuts 3

Object manipluation, compoound path basics, using groups, hiding & locking objects and color shortcuts

Shortcuts 4

Manipulating values, coordinates, text and palette options quickly

Shortcuts 5

Pen-tool specific shortcuts for drawing, outlining objects and manipluating paths as you create them


50% Complete

Two Step

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