Maternal Monkey Photo Composite

The Maternal Monkey Photo Composite



Course Overview

In this this course from photoshop guru Rikard Rodin you will go through the entire process of creating a photo composite of a Monkey holding a small girl. Made up of 4 different photos, the course will take you through various methods of cutting and masking, refining selections, combining photos realistically and color grading.




1 Hour 12 Minutes


Beginner to Intermediate


Photoshop CC


Using Quick Selection

Learn to use the Quick Selection tool and Mask and Selection dialogue to create fast and accurate selections in Photoshop.

Creating Intricate Masks

Use paths, channels, curves and the paint brush tool to create intricate and detailed masks around objects in Photoshop.

Combining Convincingly

Here are the tricks that make combining two images look realistic, including how to make shadows and how to overlap and underlap elements within the images.

Using Custom Brushes

Learn how to create a custom brush in Photoshop and how to use this to create furā€”and how to use those brushes as an eraser.

Giving Her Hand

Learn how to use transform, liquify and masking to add a hand to the monkeyā€”and how to make two different colored images integrate nicely.

Color Grading

From gradient ramps, layer blending modes, color balance and curves to eye highlights, here are tools to make your composite artistic and beautifully colored.


50% Complete

Two Step

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