Photo Composite

Snow White Photo Composite



Course Overview

Join Creative Director and Photoshop Guru Rikard Rodin in creating a magical fairy tale scene of Snow White. The course is filled with Photoshop techniques that are useful for any photo compositing work you may want to doā€”including masking techniques, retouching and cloning, color grading and texture techniques. In addition to compositing, you'll learn how to convert any scene into a winter scene!




1 Hour 34 Minutes


Beginner to Intermediate


Photoshop CC

Lessons: Part 1

Getting Started

Learn how to open files as smart objects and some keyboard shortcuts that will drastically speed up your compositing.

Masking with Paths

Here we use paths to cutout the model from the background and then refine that selection to include hair with the Selection and Mask tool.

Recoloring with Curves

Use curves and an understanding of color theory to recolor Snow White's dress just using curvesā€”which means maintaining the black and white point.

The Tree Stump

Learn to use the quick selection tool and then filters and adjustments to create a realistic reflection.

Background Replacement

Learn how to quickly replace a background and integrate the new background into the existing ground plane of your image.

Lessons - Part 2

Putting in the Deer

Here we combine various masking techniques to cut out the deer and put it into the scene.

Adding the Bird

In addition to selection and masking, here we also cover using the color blend mode and the spin blur.

Creating Snow

Learn a simple technique to create organic looking snow without the need for any custom brushes.

Color Grading

Here we integrate the entire composite using gradient maps and color adjustments to create a beautiful looking final image.

The Final Touch

Using the camera raw filter we give the final image an extra "punch" including grain and vignetting.


50% Complete

Two Step

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